Gambling T Umaczenie Polski
gaming rzeczownik
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
His shot couldn't have been heard in the gaming room above.
Latest quarterly Gambling Overview Report data from the Ministry of Finance of Poland. The data released for the country contains the following information: Turnover by gaming category, market-wide. Gambling - WordReference English-Polish Dictionary. From the verb gamble: (⇒ conjugate) gambling is: ⓘ Click the infinitive to see all available inflections v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb-for example, 'a singing bird,' 'It is singing.' William Hogarth was born at Bartholomew Close in London to Richard Hogarth, a poor Latin school teacher and textbook writer, and Anne Gibbons. In his youth he was apprenticed to the engraver Ellis Gamble in Leicester Fields, where he learned to engrave trade cards and similar products. CasinoEuro is Europe's best online casino where you can play casino games like Roulette, Slots, Blackjack and much more.
And some of them are going to the gaming room.
Gaming is an art form, just like film or music.
No gaming for me last night, went to see some friends.
His plan is to keep the gaming in a small area.
Some are also able to provide services other than gaming.

The show is one of the two major gaming trade shows.
They walked out of her office and into the gaming area.
The game was very well received by the gaming press.
I'd actually like to see an article about people who have been important for the computer gaming industry.
Most important, what was your own personal top gaming moment and why did it matter so much to you?

People who do not want to buy a gaming box, especially if it costs more?
The two began to get involved with professional gaming after much success.
I would guess maybe not too much as gaming is often a nice light way to pass the time.
We haven't had a good gaming guide here in a while.

Gambling T Umaczenie Polski Logowanie
At this part you can't find any sign about video gaming.
They have been running gaming events for over a decade.
The opportunity to be part of a larger gaming community.
But those looking for a serious gaming machine do have several companies to turn to.
I can't imagine what the gaming industry would be like without it.
What's new is the gaming of the system to make the stuff rise.
A little over 10% also reported having video gaming problems in the previous year.
I think the impact that it's had is more to do with the gaming industry as a whole.
Like many people in computers and gaming, he never went to college.
Gambling T Umaczenie Polski Przepis
He had lost a lot of money at the gaming tables.