Gmod E2 Slots

Dec 13th, 2010
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  1. @inputs
  2. @persist
  3. if (first() 1)
  4. holoModel(1,'sphere3')
  5. holoAng(1,ang(180,180,180))
  6. owner():setColor(0,0,0)
  7. owner():setMaterial('models/effects/vol_light001')
  8. holoColor(1,vec(random(255),random(255),random(255)))

Gmod E2 Slot Machine

If you are requestiong an E2 that you don't want shared to the public, link me your steam and tell me that you want it private. Then explain what the E2 will do or what to repair. I want something similar to this, but it doesn't have to be exact. Example email: Subject: Noclip E2 (New) Body: I would like you to make an e2 that is private. E2 code for gmod. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! @ name E2 Colorer and Ranger @ persist Last. My way of getting around this is to use strings in all the slots of an array,.