Linux Get Ram Slots
The number of memory devices in the results of sudo dmidecode -type 17 is equal to the number of memory slots, so the command to print the number of RAM slots is: sudo dmidecode -type 17 grep 'Memory Device' -count The results of this command will be one integer number equal to the number of RAM slots. As with many things you’ll find in Unix systems, the Linux kernel begins counting at slot zero instead of slot one. In our test machine’s case, there were four slots that received numbers 0-3 instead of 1-4. Even if a memory card gets assigned to slot zero, that doesn’t mean that your system is ignoring it. Most of the system administrators checks CPU & Memory utilization when they were facing some performance issue. There is lot of utilities are available in Linux to check physical memory.These commands are help us to check the physical RAM present in system, also allow users to check memory utilization in varies aspect. However the actual physical RAM slots are 64.I m not sure why the extra information is displayed. I can see (Bank Locator: /SYS/MB/P0/MR0) for all 64 entries and get one blank entry as (Bank Locator I m confused is this the exact way to determine the RAM slots.
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How to identify a device > RAM
How to identify the installed Memory / RAM.
Linux Get Ram Slots Online

Linux Get Ram Slots 2020
Many people simply use free, which is available on every Debian system, to list the quantity of RAM installed (detected). Gnome users can install and use the hardinfo. KDE user can use kinfocenter.
free is the Unix command to know about free/used/available memory on your system:
under Gnome: hardinfo
Gnomes's System Information (Hardinfo in Menu Applications/System Tools, from package:hardinfo) has an information page on the RAM installed.
under KDE: KInfocenter
KDE's KInfoCenter (in K Menu / System / KInfoCenter Info Center, from package:kcontrol) has an information page on the RAM installed.
dmidecode can be used to query the motherboards DMI zone about RAM, Ram Slot(s) and Memory Controller:
Linux Find Out Ram Slots
dmidecode -t memory is equivalent to running the 4 commands below (i.e dmidecode -t 5 -t 6 -t 16 -t 17)
Memory Device
Memory Controller Information
Memory Module Information
You can also check information about RAM (like speed, type, etc) using lshw (from package lshw).
manpages: free(1), dmidecode(8)